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Black & White Tour
In this nostalgic Tel-Aviv tour we will visit old stores and buisnesses on Allenby St. that have been here for dacades and are struggling for survival.
we will hear the stories of these family owned shops and the challanges they encounter in our fast, ever changing era. the owners we would meet are rare examples, usually people in their 70's and 80's that insist of carrying on with their daily routine and family heritage.
The combination of buisnesses varies on each tour and includes the oldest photography store in Tel-Aviv, a spice shop, a porcelain shop, an old bakery, a watchmaker, a sowing machine shop, a tailor and more.
The tour includes coffee and nostalgic pastry tasting.
Tour Duration: 3 hours
contact to get offer
In the PhotoHouse's footsteps: Service

at the photohouse

seeing old photos of the erea

the spice shop

at the photohouse
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